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*Why should I pursue further Bible study?

In II Timothy 2:15 we read, “Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” As a Christian and church leader, you should be able to give Biblical answers to those who see the futility of man’s philosophy. Our courses of study deal directly with the text of Scripture.



*What advantage is there in studying the Bible through BCCTI?

Our program has been tried, tested, and proven to be effective and is designed to give the student an organized plan of studying the Scriptures utilizing the inductive method of Bible study.



*Who will benefit from these courses?

All Christians will profit, but especially if one assumes a leadership role in the church he will find these courses of immense benefit. Our students are pastors, evangelists, youth ministers, Sunday school teachers, minister’s wives and lay persons.



*Must I belong to a local church to enroll?

No. We have students from various backgrounds who have testified BCCTI was beneficial to them. However, students should understand and respect our doctrinal position.



*Are there any racial/ ethnic requirements for enrollment?

No, we do not discriminate against any race, ethnic group, creed or sex.



*If I have a diploma/degree from a college, university, seminary or Bible institute, may I begin at the next level of study above my diploma?

Yes, but you must submit proof of the level you have attained with an official transcript along with your application. Your diploma/degree must be in the field of Biblical studies. Deficiencies will be handled at the discretion of the administration.



*Will all colleges recognize work completed with BCCTI?

No. Some colleges will not recognize the work you complete with The Bible Church of Christ Theological Institute. All schools accredited by the Accrediting Commission International are obligated to recognize work completed by BCCTI and Anchor Theological Seminary and Bible Institute. The student should be aware that the degree programs we offer might not transfer to other institutions. The transfer of course/degree credit is determined by the receiving institution. If you think you may need to transfer your work, it is advisable to check with the institution at the outset.


*Is BCCTI accredited?

Yes, our school is fully accredited through Anchor Theological Seminary and Bible Institute by the Accrediting Commission International, the world’s largest non-government accrediting association. Please find this section in the Table of Contents of the Student Handbook for further reading.



*Is the diploma I earn through BCCTI and Anchor Theological Seminary and Bible Institute equivalent to a degree earned in a state supported college or university?

No, our diplomas are limited to the field of Bible study. We do not offer traditional academic courses such as math, history, literature, science, etc. Our school is designed for the student who desires to study the Bible. We are not a liberal arts school. We confer degrees or sacred certificates of merit upon completion of prescribed courses of study. The Director of the Arkansas Department of Higher Education has determined that Anchor Theological Seminary & Bible Institute does not offer degree programs customarily offered at colleges and universities and has issued an Exemption from Certification.



*Do I need an extensive library to complete these courses?

No. You will need a King James Version of the Holy Bible, a concordance (such as Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance or Cruden’s Complete Concordance), a Bible dictionary (such as Unger’s Bible Dictionary and/or Vine’s Expository Dictionary), and a good dictionary (such as Webster’s Dictionary). We have attempted to keep textbooks at a minimum; however, the BCC Bookstore will be open during school hours for any additional required books. (links for free online Bible software: and



*How can I afford to enroll with BCCTI?

A monthly payment plan is available and affordable for any student who sincerely desires a Bible education. Many churches help their pastor or staff member by assisting with the tuition when they are informed.



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